Day 2

Building Cybersecurity of a Vulnerable Sector

Session complexity:
10:45 - 11:35

Developing capacity with NGOs to secure and deal with cyber threats is crucial, as this vital and underprepared sector continues to face severe threats. Following the successful launch of Cyber Secure The Hague: Cybersecurity for NGOs program at the ONE Conference in October 2023, CyberPeace Institute and The Hague Humanity Hub worked towards expanding the scope of the project, to map and survey the NGO sector in the whole of the Netherlands. Cyber Resilience for NGOs, launched in January 2024, seeks to assess the threat landscape and provide threat intelligence on the Dutch ecosystem. the expertise and network of the CyberPeace Institute’s community of NGOs in The Hague and joins forces with esteemed partners, Connect2Trust and Shadowserver to produce a deeper understanding of the cyber maturity of the sector in the Netherlands.

By assessing their (cyber) maturity at the national level, Cyber Resilience for NGOs will highlight the gaps and vulnerabilities in the Dutch market and lay the foundation for future targeted support programmes. One year into the Cyber Secure The Hague project, projects partners (CyberPeace Institute, Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure (DIVD), and The Hague Humanity Hub) are ready to share insights and lessons learned from capacity building activities and mechanisms from the NGO community in the Hague.

This session will seek to raise awareness about cyberthreats and increase the level of knowledge and cyber maturity of the professionals working at (or for) NGO’s. The session will also provide space for testimony(ies) from NGOs undergoing the capacity building foreseen across these projects, reflecting on the impact of the project’s activities towards improving their organization’s awareness and preventive practices, ultimately improving their cybersecurity.

As we chart the course forward, participants will have the opportunity to engage in the continuity of these projects and related activities, as well as explore avenues for broader participation and impact. The session will conclude with a compelling call to action, urging all participants to actively contribute to strengthening the cyber resilience of the NGO sector, ensuring collective efficacy in navigating an increasingly complex digital landscape.