Day 1

Lightning talks day 1

Lightning Talks
Session complexity:
12:35 - 13:35

Lightning talks are short session of 6 min 40 seconds, according to the Pecha Kucha method. There will be 6 sessions per day during the lunch breaks. The sessions below are already planned, but there are still spots available for which you can sign up on location:

  1. Roelof Anne Schoenmaker – Could Cybersecurity be Sustainable?
  2. Romy Salmaan – Security in Healthcare
  3. Arun Magesh Muthuchami – Bringing down Laser Fault Injection to hackers
  4. Available for sign-up on location
  5. Available for sign-up on location
  6. Available for sign-up on location
  7. Available for sign-up on location

Speakers in this session