Day 2

It takes a Digital village to raise a Digital native

Law Enforcement
Session complexity:
10:45 - 11:35

The Dutch National Police will host an in-person panel discussion with representatives from stakeholders such as hosting companies, DIVD (Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure), Crest PWC, law enforcement and academia to identify entry points to the cybercriminal career pathway and detail how respective stakeholders can utilize their resources to provide “off ramps” towards responsible online interactions and positive pathways to digital careers.

The necessity for a strategized, collaborative approach to cyber offender prevention will be impressed alongside the commercial and societal benefits for all stakeholders. An online Q and A platform will be utilised to facilitate engagement and discussion between the panel and the audience. At the end of the panel there will be a possibility for attendees to sign an “Expression of Interest” to attend an in-person follow-up meeting to have a more in-depth discussion about the subject matter.