Day 2

Hansken, the open digital forensics platform

Law Enforcement
Session complexity:
14:00 - 14:25

In a world where subversive and organized crime are a major threat to European citizens and businesses, it is important to work together on relevant knowledge. The growing volume and complexity of digital traces in criminal investigations has become a serious challenge. How we used to do digital forensics is no longer fit for purpose. We need solutions that can scale to the volume of data and find better ways to keep our digital forensic knowledge up to date.

Hansken is an open platform for digital forensics enabling cyber detectives to investigate digital data and traces from seized evidence items, such as servers, mobile devices, computers and storage media. Hansken is open and also has become a platform where law enforcement agencies (LEA’s) and academia can share digital forensic knowledge providing a constant source of innovation.

Since 2012, the Netherlands Forensic Institute (NFI) has been developing Hansken to provide Digital Forensics as a Service (DFaaS). In the past few years, the platform has been deployed at Dutch law enforcement and intelligence organizations and subsequently also to similar agencies in other European countries. The platform has already proven itself in over 1500 crime cases and withstood a profound judicial review. Hansken has been use in ransomware attack investigations such as the Norsk Hydro case where it was used by Kripos, the Norwegian hi-tech crime unit.

Speakers in this session

Hans Henseler