Day 2

Cyber Powershift

Main Stage
Session complexity:
13:35 - 14:25

Public private collaboration in times of geopolitical conflict

In an era marked by a tilting world order, the imperative to stay ahead of emerging cyber threats has never been more critical!

Why this topic?

Various countries are committed to fundamental changes and are testing geopolitical tools to achieve those changes and create new dependencies. Energy, food, disinformation and cyber, are examples of geopolitical reality, in which new scenes of power are becoming dominant. The paradigm shift in a tilting world order is about security and new technology. Geopolitical tensions are increasingly spreading to the digital domain.

All the current geopolitical trends present great opportunities, risks and challenges and requires a realistic, pragmatic public-private partnership. Our upcoming panel discussion delves into the pressing cyber challenges and will explore the necessary strategic public-private preparations to protect our open, free and prosperous society. This is a joint responsibility.

What is the added value?

The eminent panel members will discuss from various points of views the possibilities and conditions for successful collaboration and innovation in an increasingly multipolar world. Contribution for the audience:

  • The theme we propose is highly relevant and will be of significant interest to our audience because it provides insight into complex topics given by leaders of highly rated institutions.
  • The panel should serve as a wake-up call, emphasizing the need for preparedness in an era of heightened cyber threats, while avoiding sensationalism and focusing on the necessity of remaining vigilant and adaptable.
  • We aim to inspire attendees to take action by highlighting the urgency of the matter and providing them with clear perspectives for action.

How exactly are we going to do this?

The focus of the panel will be on the dynamics of strengthening cyber resilience through public-private partnerships in times of conflict. Our panelists will engage in a thought-provoking dialogue, unpacking the complexities of international alliances and the cutting-edge strategies essential for safeguarding our interconnected digital landscapes. Join us as we examine the collaborative frameworks necessary for preempting and countering the cyber threats, and capitalize on opportunities.