We are all connected

Cyberveiligheid is belangrijker dan ooit. De ONE Conference inspireert internationale samenwerkingen tussen cyberveiligheidsprofessionals uit het bedrijfsleven, de wetenschap en overheidsorganisaties. De ONE Conference is een exclusief jaarlijks evenement, waar alles draait om verbinding. ONE Conference; we are all connected

ONE Conference

De ONE-conferentie is hét cyberveiligheidsevenement van Europa. Het is een toonaangevend platform voor het delen van kennis, best practices en onderzoeksresultaten. De editie van dit jaar vindt plaats op 3 en 4 oktober. Beide dagen bieden een plenair programma en optionele breakoutsessies in kleinere groepen.

Een breed scala aan onderwerpen komt aan bod: van zeer technische onderwerpen zoals malwaredetectie, incident response en rechtshandhavingszaken tot minder technische onderwerpen, zoals partnerschappen tussen het publieke en private domein, governance en recent cyberveiligheidssonderzoek.

Naast het uitgebreide programma is er nog veel meer te beleven op de ONE Conference. Er is een Expo, Talent Hub, Matchmaking ruimte en natuurlijk uitgebreide netwerkmogelijkheden.

De voertaal van de ONE Conference is Engels. De rest van de website is daarom ook enkel in het Engels te lezen. Klik op de links hieronder om rechtstreeks naar de pagina’s te gaan waar in Social Media berichten naar verwezen wordt.

Social Media links


2 May 2024

The ONE Conference is one of the main events during the Cybersecurity Week in The Hague. In the first week of October, The Hague is the place to be for cybersecurity! https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:7191820283253551104

30 April 2024

In close collaboration with the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in France and Forum InCyber Europe (FIC), we will host another duplex webinar, titled “Paris 2024 | Leveraging the Hidden Discipline: Cybersecurity”. This time cybersecurity at the biggest sporting event will be central: the Olympic and Paralympic Games.
The last editions in Tokyo and Pyeongchang have shown an exponential increase of the cyber threats targeting the Games. With Paris 2024 Games around the corner, this event offers an opportunity to gain a better understanding of the major cybersecurity risks facing businesses of all sizes, as well as institutions, before, during and after the competitions.

🗓 Date: 13th of May, 2024
⌚ Time: 17:00 – 18:30(CEST)
💡 More info & registration: https://lnkd.in/ezAD8ANR

🎤 Speakers include:
–      Opening by Sara Offermans, Deputy Ambassador of the Kingdom of the Netherlands to France and H.E. François Alabrune, Ambassador of France to The Netherlands.
–      Keynote by Franz Regul, CISO of the Paris 2024 Games
–      Lessons learned from Pyeonchang 2018 and Tokyo 2020 with Dimitri van Zantvliet, CISO of Nederlandse Spoorwegen and former CISO of NOC*NSF
– And many other speakers, including General Jean-Philippe LECOUFFE (Europol), Benoit Delpierre (Eviden), Laura Nuhaan,(Eviden) Pierre Pleven (Campus Cyber), Eveline Vreede (Delft University of Technology) and Raymond Bierens (DIVD Dutch Institute for Vulnerability Disclosure)
–      Moderated by Sarah Jane Mellor and Alexandre Hamilton-Clark

15 April 2024

Submissions of proposals to participate at the ONE Conference 2024 are now closed. We’ve been overwhelmed by the incredible response, receiving a record number of 272 proposals. A huge thank you to all who took the time to submit their proposals. We appreciate your enthusiasm and engagement with the conference. Notification emails confirming acceptance will be dispatched during the week of 27th May to 2nd June 2023.

14 March 2024

Are you an expert in cybersecurity and would like to share your knowledge? The call for participation for the ONE Conference is open as of today. Anyone who would like to contribute to the continuously strong programme of the ONE Conference can submit their proposal here: https://lnkd.in/eCyFwCYh
Deadline for submittance is the 14th of April.

The call for participation is not only for sessions, but also for articles, videos and podcasts for in our e-magazine. Curious what the E-magazine looks like? View the last edition’s publication on our website.

The ONE Conference is the annual European Cybersecurity Congress organised by Nationaal Cyber Security Centrum (NCSC-NL), Ministerie van Economische Zaken en Klimaat and Gemeente Den Haag. For two days, around 2,000 cybersecurity professionals meet in The Hague, international city of peace and justice. This year, the conference will take place on 1 and 2 October at the World Forum.