We are all connected

Cybersecurity matters more than ever. The ONE Conference inspires cross-border cooperation between cybersecurity professionals from business, science as well as government organizations. An exclusive yearly event, the ONE Conference is all about connection.

ONE Conference

The ONE Conference is Europe’s prime cybersecurity event. A leading platform for sharing knowledge, best practices and research results. This year’s edition will take place on 1 & 2 October 2024. Both days will offer a plenary programme as well as optional breakout sessions in smaller groups.

A wide variety of topics will be addressed: from highly technical subjects such as malware detection, incident response, and law enforcement cases to less technical subjects, such as partnerships between the public and the private domain, governance and recent cybersecurity research.


Registration is open

Registration for the ONE Conference is now open! While a select few have received direct invitations, don’t worry if you haven’t. As a cybersecurity professional, you can request an invitation via the button below. In August, we will determine the number of available places and make a selection from the submitted requests. All request have to go via the request form, seperate e-mails will not be taken in consideration.

Invitations are send via Aanmelder.nl


Click for an overview of the speakers at the ONE Conference 2023.


Click for an overview of the plenary and breakout sessions at the ONE Conference 2023.


Want to get a feel for what the ONE Conference is like? Have a look at the photos from the previous edition.

Read the ONE E-magazine now: